Monday, September 28, 2009

Word of Life!!

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and Lo! I am with you always till the end of the world." AMEN! Matthew 20:19-20

This is the greatest commandment that we have ever been given. "Go ye therefore..." When you got saved, you were not taken to heaven directly, that's why you are here so that you can help someone else know the truth just as someone else helped you and you came to the light. Many of us think that this call is just for the people in the five-fold ministry just as I used to think, but Jesus was speaking to you and Me. We have no excuse of not going out there to share the love of Christ to the nations. Jesus said, the fields are white and ready for harvest, but the labourers are few. Once you and I avail ourselves to go and be part of the labourers, we will fill out the empty pews in the church and the devils kingdom will be on the losing end.

Word of Life - is a site that is geared to equip you daily with the word of God and encourage you to fulfill the mission and purpose that God has called you to do here on earth. I don't want us when we reach heaven to be told that... you had this soul to bring to the kingdom and now it is perishing.... NO!!! I want a situation whereby, we will all be commended by God for a work well done "Good and faithful servant...." That will be my joy when we will all be gathered together to celebrate our Victory.

This is a call I am making to you who is reading this blog, don't just benefit yourself alone, inform your friends, family, your pastor and everyone and let us help each other in this journey of faith till we reach our heavenly home.

Yours in Christ's vineyard,

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